So this has been lagering and carbing up for just over a week. Not really long enough for this strong saison to age properly, but I cannot resist the occasional nip. To say the alcohol heat is minimal is not quite true, but is surprisingly drinkable. This spent a week on an ounce of Nelson Sauvin hop pellets and right now, this is full of that unusual hop flavor, and green. Here’s the recipe.
Appearance: Pours a deep orange with a head full of large bubbles. This still needs more conditioning and carbonation. The body is thin, as expected, but is not watery. Head quickly faces to a ring of white.
Smell: Full of aromatics, yeast phenolics just under a light citrus aroma. No malt. Better carb may bring more aromas as the head dissipates.
Taste: Slightly sour berries, grape, sweet white wine. Surprising bright aftertaste. No malt. Nelson Sauvin hops overpower any malts. Typical but subdued saison funk. Acidic. Tart
Mouthfeel: Thin body, not watery. Needs more carbonation.
Overall: Very happy with how this beer is turning out. Nelson Sauvin spins this otherwise fairly traditional saison into something special. The wine-like characteristic, with the high alcohol, makes for an interesting finished beer. Looking forward to how this may age. Will bottle several 750’s for longer term aging when this is carbonated properly.