I realize it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. Things have been hectic, and some of that has been centered around planning and thinking and scheming about where I would like Accidentalis to head in the next year.
The Bru’n Water tutorial is one of the most viewed sections of my site. I am planning to revise the tutorial for the paid version, as well as a series of more organized brewing water articles. Warning – this is not a comprehensive or scientific (as much as it pains me to admit) series, rather, how I approach my water in my brewery, and hopefully some other opinions from well known and respected homebrewers. So point and counter point – more than one way to skin an armadillo.
Tips, tricks and more on the Brew-Magic, again in a more deliberate and better organized fashion, as well as articles and notes from other Brew-Magic users (should I be able to convince folks to participate).
And I hope to drop a few more good tested recipes, and discuss the decisions made, and ultimately the results. I am planning to spend some time focusing on British beer styles as well as a bit of exploration of adjuncts and their impact on beer.
Hope y’all stay tuned.
Cheers, Matt